Topic: [ABS] Kumho 750SW

Kumho 750SW is a new ABS offered at OS3DP.com which I have seen absolutely zero conversations on, at least when it comes to 3D printing. But in my discussions with Jonathan from OS3DP, he came across 750SW while trying to find a polymer which behaves as close to MG94 as possible....this was because of the MG94 global shortage from recent months. While MG94 is back in stock, I still wanted to play around with this to weigh options, see how it handled, and just have fun making filament!

Side by side, MG94 and 750SW pellets look nearly identical. The only thing setting them apart is that the 750SW is closer to a white instead of a neutral tone like virgin MG94.
MG94 on the left, 750SW on the right.

Mostly stock Filastruder v1.6 #1870 extruding vertically with full barrel header wrap insulation, melt filter, and a Filawinder


Temp: 192c
Rate: 9-11" per minute
Average diameter: 1.82mm +/- 0.02mm

Solidoodle 2, E3D Titan, E3D v6, E3D Volcano, Sanguinololu, Supernight PSU, Lawsy carriages, mirror bed+Auqua Net Super Hold, bed stabilizer, fishing line, pillow block

The 750SW printed identical to MG94, so it was very smooth, retained its almost-white coloration, and didn't appear to have as strong of fumes as some other polymers, less even than MG94 which is already pretty low.

And yes, I printed a fidget spinner. :rolls eyes:

Comparison to available filament:
750SW is a tough contender for MG94, so I would call it a draw between the two. It prints very smooth but seems to take a touch longer to cool than other ABS variants. I noticed this while pulling the filament out of the extruder (direct feed Titan) and it snagged on the PTFE guide coming out. Maybe a slightly lower temp would help for prolonged use, and a nozzle fan would really help for smaller parts.

Takeaway and comments:
I am very happy with my investment! It is about $3 cheaper per 1kg than MG94, is very similar, and is less brittle. I attempted to bend and snap the first of the roll to load a consistent diameter into the Titan and ot would not snap! It does seem to be a little more durable than MG94 or PA747 like I am used to using, and it has a texture I can't really explain. It doesn't have a slick grip like TPU, it's not slick like MG94, nor is it a dry grip like PA747. It really does sit in a league of its own, but it really is similar, once again, to MG94. If you like said polymer, I recommend trying 750SW as it can be indistinguishable and cheaper at the moment.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!