Topic: Need SD Press Repetier settings please!

Anyone have your press dialed in pretty good? Would you like to share your settings? Thanks!!

2 (edited by diyengineer 2017-03-22 19:30:05)

Re: Need SD Press Repetier settings please!

I've found that the soliprint software reminds me of Simple Jack, off of Tropic Thunder. It's horrible. I'd like to eliminate the automatic probing all together as well, its a joke. A flat, level bad with a good offset is better than trying to make a turd taste like a snickers. I have two solidoodle 2's and a 3 and have them printing very nicely. Not sure why they overcomplicated things. Anyone want to help me, feel free to shoot me an email, just my username @gmail.com


Re: Need SD Press Repetier settings please!

I've occasionally considered getting a Press and making it right, for use as a second printer.  I know there would be some work involved.  Do you have to use SoliPrint, or can you use R-H?

You m-m-m-make me happy!


Re: Need SD Press Repetier settings please!

You don't have to use soliprint, but I havent gotten repetier to work yet. I'll let you know when I do. Anyone? Settings? tongue