Topic: Problem with fill in prints.


I am using pronterface with skeinforge and I have some problems with gaps in prints.

I am trying to print letters that are hollow, but the space between the letters isnt filled. Seems like the gap between the letters has to be bigger for it to be filled.

Here is a picture of the problem



Re: Problem with fill in prints.

What is the width of the letters for scale reference


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

Width of each letter is about 7 or 8mm..


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

Should work then, do you have extra perimeters turned on that would make it infill weird or something?


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

I havent touched the settings after installing the solidoodle package. I will do some more testing tomorrow. Could I use some settings in skeinforge to prevent this?

Thanks for the help smile


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

Have you tried actually printing it too, not just viewing the preview?


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

I have tried printing too. The gap seen is the gap I get..


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, can you try to model a little more gap there to see if that's the issue.  someone will be along shortly to tell you to switch to Slic3r but I'm not sure it'll do any better.


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

I tried to widen the gap, but some things always have holes. Like the gaps between the legs of the letter R and such. (hehehe)

I bought a new chip with a bootloader so I will switch to slic3r as soon as possible. Just want to get parts done before The Gathering 2013 smile

Thanks once again!


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

If I understand you correctly, are you trying to make a solid object (except for letters)? The default settings have infill set to only 20%, so I would expect lots of gaps inside the object except at the top and bottom layers with the default settings.

11 (edited by teejay187 2013-02-19 21:56:59)

Re: Problem with fill in prints.

That is what I am trying to do, yes. The problem is that after the print is finished, the gaps between the letters arent filled.

You can see in my screenshot that the part between the R and B isnt colored black, which means that it wont lay plastic there in any of the layers. It is also a problem with the solid part I tried to make through the letters D,R,B and O.

It`s supposed to say "THUNDERBOLT". I can take some pictures of the finished prints when my camera is charged.


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

teejay187 wrote:

That is what I am trying to do, yes. The problem is that after the print is finished, the gaps between the letters arent filled.

You can see in my screenshot that the part between the R and B isnt colored black, which means that it wont lay plastic there in any of the layers. It is also a problem with the solid part I tried to make through the letters D,R,B and O.

It`s supposed to say "THUNDERBOLT". I can take some pictures of the finished prints when my camera is charged.

Yes, but your screenshot says "layer 13", which I'm guessing is somewhere in the middle of your print?  By default, skeinforge fills the inside of an object with a loose grid pattern to save plastic, but the top and bottom layers should be filled everywhere except the letters themselves.  If the top or bottom layers are also unfilled, then this is a problem, but for the middle layers, it's ok.  Try turning up the infill up to 100% (the default is probably specified as 20% or 0.2) and this should fill the middle layers.  However, I'd want to track down why the top and bottom layers aren't working properly.  Check your settings to make sure you haven't accidentally disabled fill in those layers.


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

Thanks for the info! The layer you see in the picture is the top layer for that part of the model.

I will do some troubleshooting in the settings.


Re: Problem with fill in prints.

Skeinforge is bad about not filling very narrow areas.  You might get better results using Repetier Host with Slic3r 0.98.  It specifically tries to get those type of gaps filled.