Topic: 2 printers one computer?

I'm contemplating getting another solidoodle to speed up my prototype speed on multiple objects.

would I need to get another computer to control the second printer or can I do it by running two instances of the stock software?


Re: 2 printers one computer?

you should be able to run 2 computers form 1 printer or even mutiple printers


Re: 2 printers one computer?

will join the issue, as i soon will be ordering the second printer.


Re: 2 printers one computer?

I have thought about doing the same with my printers in the past... but for now I keep them on separate computers because I run RH/windows and every now and then if I am doing something else on the computer that is connected and printing a crash stops my print even an 8 hour print with only 30 minutes to go mad

However to solve the tied up computer issues I will be putting card readers on all the printers very soon smile