Topic: RGB led-strip using only 2 digital pins.

Have been playing around with getting some lights to turn different colors depending on whats happening and here is my progress this far:

*Adafruit ledstrip: http://adafruit.com/products/306

*Ramps or I guess any board running Marlin with 2 digital and a ground pin free.

*An external power supply for the strip

Straight forward really most of the work is done in the Marlin FW to trigger the event and color changes.
This far I have the following commands working (although my code looks really bad atm):
Power on -White.
Fan on- Green
Fan off- Blue
Homing in progress - Cyan
Homing done - Green.

Not managed to get working:
colorchhange while the bed is heating, I thought this is done by the m190 command, but cant seem to fork to it in a working matter.

Will get back with a better write-up soon.
Ideas for colorchnage on the bed heating would be nice.


Re: RGB led-strip using only 2 digital pins.


This is pretty cool, want to see others commenting on what they'd like to see trigger the color change.  I'd like to see during a build what percentage complete I am.  Maybe a color switch for 50% complete, then 75%, 90%.  Then I could monitor prints from across the room without getting up to look at the screen.  As of right now I run a large timer webpage on my laptop screen with the pronterface estimate and I'm pretty close.


Re: RGB led-strip using only 2 digital pins.

this is really cool , by the way , which led strip you use , WS2812B led strip or ws2813 Led strip ?