Topic: Import Gcode into XYZWare

Can somebody explain me how to import a sliced gcode file into XYZWare?
I know about the header you need to change but that's just for the Da Vinci 1.0
At least not for the Da Vinci Jr. Is there already a way on how to do that?

It would be great if there is because the XYZ software sucks.


Re: Import Gcode into XYZWare

If you have gcode from your favorite slicer, you don't need XYZware to print via SD card.

Look up either ThreeDubber on this forum, or use my port of it available here (only supports the Jr right now): http://gitlab.com/anthem/py-threedub

This will convert your gcode to .3w and fix the header for you so you can send it straight to the printer.