Topic: Object Shape and Camera Orientation

In general, are the objects that you want to scan taller than they are wider?  I'm contemplating the benefits of having the camera rotated such that the long side of the image is vertical.  This would allow for objects 8" tall and 6" wide to be scanned as opposed to 6" tall and 8" wide.  In many cases the object can be placed on it's side but this usually results in more scans having to be performed (since desirable areas are now against the table) and the object needing more support to keep it from shifting.

Let me know what you think.

- Uriah


Re: Object Shape and Camera Orientation

This seems to me to be good idea, as the laser line generators are more than capable of covering this larger vertical span.

Only a few issues seem apparent: 
For me, that would probably mean re-making the light-tight box to increase the height and improving the lighting coverage.
The alignment of the laser lines would probably need to be improved a little, but the automatic compensation should help there.
Any "wobble"  or non-flatness of the table would need to be improved as its effect would be magnified by 4/3 and the temptation would be to place heavier items on it.  Modified versions with a large bearing design may not be susceptible to this issue.
The camera flexi would need to be longer to allow for a 90 degree bend.
As the intention would probably be to use the wider angle to its maximum extent, the optical geometric distortion of the lens would become more significant.  I have not personally measured this as yet, but suspect that with this low-cost, medium-resolution lens, there will be greater non-linearity and lower resolution than at present near the extremes.  Maybe this would need to be dealt with by a lens distortion correction routine, as is the case for some other scanners?

If implemented would it be possible in the software to have a simple configuration option setting for H or V orientation?



Reprap Prusa x1 ,  Reprap G frame Prusa x1,  OpenBuilds OX CNC x1, FreeLss/Ciclops 3D scanner x1


Re: Object Shape and Camera Orientation

Viseng wrote:

If implemented would it be possible in the software to have a simple configuration option setting for H or V orientation?

Yes, I would ensure that one was present.