Topic: Power WTF

Took a break from scanner.  Recently fired up. Suddenly can't open in browser.  Etherport shows activity by lights.  USB's No power.  Cant see keyboard.

HDMI Boot shows it goes to Login prompt, but no keyboard input.  SOMETHING ot fitzed while NOT being used. ....What replacement part is required?


Re: Power WTF

Odd, but it sounds as if something went bad with either the Pi or power supply.  Can you double check that the attached power supply is the one that came with the kit?


Re: Power WTF

Will do.  Fairly sure.  Any hints on identifying it


Re: Power WTF

5V 4A, Red LED on TOP
Model EPS0504000D-ABS



Re: Power WTF

That's the correct power supply.


Re: Power WTF

If you have a Micro USB cable, you can try disconnecting the ATLAS 3D ribbon cable from the electronics board and powering the Pi by plugging the USB into your computer or a high current cell phone charger.  If your USB devices still don't work then something is wrong with the Pi (or less likely the SD card).  Make sure that you do NOT have both the ATLAS 3D ribbon cable and the Micro USB cable plugged in at the same time.