Topic: One laser not working when scanning - and settings quetions

My scan turned out really bad, probably due to the fact that only one laser worked.
During all  stages before my first scan did both lasers turn on as they should have. At the calibration and wifi setup.
What could the problem be? And how do I fix this?

Also, does anyone have any advice about settings when doing your scan. How do you get the best result?
What light are the best to scan in?

I'm very new to all this, so any answer is helpful smile

2 (edited by n2ri 2016-03-24 22:59:01)

Re: One laser not working when scanning - and settings quetions

this is currently being discussed in a couple related topics. still learning whats best ways for good results in all areas from powdering models to cut reflections, using light/photo tents to place scanner in, light meter to find best amount etc

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs