Topic: XYZ DaVinci 1.0 Dual Extruder

Hey guys, I just got my Da Vinci 1.0 running on Repetier and I'm finally getting some decent abs prints. However, I want to upgrade the hot end to support more versatile materials like ninjaflex and what not.

I've seen several designs for mounting a single e3d V6 on the da vinci, but I was wondering if anyone knows how difficult it would be to mount a chimera on it, and wire it up for dual extrusion.

From some of the other threads I have read, The 1.0 uses the same mainboard as the duo? And people were saying that there are extra ports on it to accommodate the secondary head. Also, the back of the printer has a spot for secondary filament to be fed in.

Just thinking out loud here, but I would love to do this if at all possible!

Thanks again guys.


Re: XYZ DaVinci 1.0 Dual Extruder

Unfortunately while it might be the same board layout, they don't put parts that won't be used on the 1.0 on there (such as stepper drivers for the 2nd extruder.)  You can solder those parts on - but personally I'd find it easier just to convert it all over to a Mega+RAMPS setup (only time consuming part of that is redoing all the connectors)