Topic: Help with failing prints

Hello. I upgraded to repetier a while ago and had no issues running 0.91 then out of no where my prints have suddenly stated failing,
Sometimes it takes 30min other times 2 hours, a few times they ran fine. I upgraded to 0.92 hoping that would help but it still happens. tried sd printed but it still seems to happen. it has done this with almost every file i've tried (about 5 different files)

When it happens the printer completely stops but the bed and extruder keep heated up and running.

I'll try and get more info, I just started another print from sd card to see if it happens again, after that I'll run through usb with logging on to get more info

Feel free to ask any questions, I don't know to much about this stuff so try and be patient. Thanks.


Re: Help with failing prints

Hmm, I have had a few issues over USB with a full PC so it was slow and would pause sometimes, but shouldn't be doing it over USB, sounds like it could be an issue with the heating maybe? Does it loose heat and pause to heat back up?