Topic: My first big print, why the problem the first 10 mm?

Here is my first large print after my own calibration. Out of the box it was hitting the head in the heatbed when printing.
There are 2 problems with the print:
1. The first 10 mm are alittle messed up, why?

2. there is a line running through the rpint, see pictures. Any ideas?

Printing ABS , at 199 temp, hotbed 105.
Using slicer with Ians settings and Repetier.

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Re: My first big print, why the problem the first 10 mm?

The line up the side is where the layer changes, which often causes a blob.  You can try increasing the retraction speed or distance.  I've been finding that the latest versions of Slic3r have been more prone to that than Skeinforge.  Or it might be that SF is doing better at retractions, since I seem to get more stringing with Slic3r.  You could also try Slic3r v7, I remember it being better and rounded surfaces.

Since the duck is so big, you can do a few prints of a small cylinder.  It should show some of the same issues without taking so long.

I don't know what's going on with the band around the bottom.  It's a little harder to see.


Re: My first big print, why the problem the first 10 mm?

Thanks Ian, will try that on a smaler object, using slic3r atm.

Here is a better picture of the first 10 mm or so. Could it be because of bed not beeing clean or too cold (105 should be enough, right?)
Any ideas?

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Re: My first big print, why the problem the first 10 mm?

Were you doing something else on the computer during the print?  I don't know what was going on in the first layers, they don't look as well aligned.  That blobby band looks a little like there might have been some stuttering movement, like when the computer isn't sending commands fast enough and the printer keeps pausing to wait for the next one.  If you were doing something processor intensive, it might have affected it.  I have caused prints to stop for a couple of seconds in Repetier when I started playing around with a complex Gcode visualization.

105 is pretty hot, you can get by with 90.  It's possible that the bed was keeping those first layers too hot, so that when a layer was extruded it pushed around the still soft plastic on the layer below it.