Topic: Might as well jump in.

Since I've seen so many fantastic prints by others I figured I could upload a few of my feeble attempts.  The vast majority of my prints are of equipment we build or modify for customers.  This is a scale model of a 15HP TEFC Baldor motor we use in one of our units. http://soliforum.com/i/?66Nx3ik.jpg

Printed in PLA.

If you build it they will come. Then they will make fun of it, tell you it's not worth doing and go home and try to copy you.
If a picture is worth a thousand words then being there is worth a thousand pictures.

(2) Stock Makerbot Z18s, Filastruder w/Melt Filter, Filawinder, Autodesk Inventor Design Suite 2014 .........so far.