Topic: one of my projects.



this is what I have so far, printed on my SD2

another project, I don't have pictures of, is my K9 robot, I saw it in 1981 and it has lead my life more or less to where I am today, just never started to build it till now.  I got the 3d printer to assist with the robot part making being no one will carry that one part you always need.. and now the Solidoodle and my other printer are turning into hobbies themselves lmao.


Re: one of my projects.


That's great, and I just have piles of small toys and test bits and pieces.

Impressive work.

I've also wanted a K9, but I suspect my Dalek building mate will beat me to it. Check this out...



Re: one of my projects.



Re: one of my projects.

I have more printed and assembled. I'm just taking it slow and switching projects big_smile I ordered a Solidoodle Workbench so I can print more parts, but I'm finding out I'm spending a good amount of time modding the SD2 I have now instead of working on InMoov haha


Re: one of my projects.

Very cool, remember the three laws safe stuff before you give it a mind.


Re: one of my projects.

annnnnnndddd let the nightmares begin!


Re: one of my projects.


Sd4 #9080 with a glass bed. E3d chimera duel extruder. Paste extruder , duet wifi.
Lawsy carriages. linear bearings. Y axis direct drive, Kinect scanner
SD4#8188 glass bed, lawsly carriages, E3d v6, octoprint http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hotrod96z28
Filastruder/filawinder, Custom Delta 300mm x 600mm