1 (edited by pshcims 2015-11-13 06:11:51)

Topic: Layer Separation

I am trying to print this card holder: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:82998

Warping was easy to understand as an issue, which I've mostly solved with a sheet of PEI. The main issue now is eventual separation of layers once it gets halfway up or so.

I am using the Solidoodle filament with a bed temp of 105 degrees,extrusion at 230 degrees, 0.90 extrusion multiplier, and layer height 0.3mm. My software is Simplify3D. The lid of my printer is open, to avoid jamming the extruder. I have the basic out of box mods (missing screws, remove plastic covering over extruder, reverse fan, etc.).

Can anyone suggest what I should do to eliminate the layer separation?


Re: Layer Separation

I tried to close the lid most of the way to keep the ambient temperature high, but I've noticed in the past that the extruder eventually jams.


Re: Layer Separation

If you're printing in ABS and seeing the layer separation midway through the print, try upping the temp a little. I had layers separate because they didn't bond well enough and eventually left little splits around the edges.

FuseBox 1.5 CoreXY - e3dv6 - Graphic Smart Display
Solidoodle 2 - e3dv6 - Hobb Goblin - e3d Titan - lawsy carriages - Direct Drive Y Axis - T8 Z axis - OctoPi


Re: Layer Separation

widespreaddeadhead wrote:

If you're printing in ABS and seeing the layer separation midway through the print, try upping the temp a little. I had layers separate because they didn't bond well enough and eventually left little splits around the edges.

I'll try that as well. I was at 220 and noticed it jammed sometimes, but 230 seems smoother. I'll try 240 or 250.