Topic: Front bed satbilizer for SD3
Like some other folks here I found that my print quality was suffering due to the front of the print bed moving quite a bit during printing. Someone else posted a setup for their printer, that basically had a set of bearings riding inside the front of the frame.
Borrowing from that idea, I came up with something similar, but a bit different at the same time. The main clamp grips the lower edge and outer sides of the bed platform, and uses set screws to fix it in place. The front has an 8mm aluminum tube (I could have used a 8mm smooth rod as well), and it's fixed to the clamp using set screw as well.
The tube end pieces have a "V" bearings, which instead of riding on the inside surface of the frame, actually straddle the edge, which in theory should prevent the bed from moving front to back as well as sideways (and it does).
In practice the bed is extremely rigid and I has helped the quality of my prints quite a bit.
This is too weird. While I was writing my post, Azerate posted something similar. Must be that time of the season....
SD3 printer w/too many mods, Printrbot Simple Maker Ed., FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.