Topic: Tries to print in the air...

Ok this is an interesting problem I've come across and I'll admit I'm not very knowledgeable about using Skienforge, etc..

I've been downloading STLs from Thingiverse, sending them through Skienforge and then loading them up for printing. I've printed dozens of items and things have been relatively going well.

Lately however, items havent been printing right. Instead of doing its normal routine of raising the bed and centering the extruder it will attempt to begin printing straight off the bat and nowhere even close to the printer bed. It just spools hot plastic that falls down over the bed. I can't figure out whats wrong because when I load the gcode from previous prints it does its thing normally.

Anyone know what thats about? Right now I'm thinking of deleting all my 3D printing stuff and re-downloading, thinking I may have accidentally screwed up a setting somewhere.


Re: Tries to print in the air...

Somehow the start.gcode isn't getting added to the beginning of the gcode files.  That is the set of codes that establishes the coordinates and centers the extruder.   Do a search for the start.gcode file and make sure it is still there in the Alterations folder in the Skeinforge directory.


Re: Tries to print in the air...

It sounds like the designer  modeled the object higher than the print bed. When I find a model like this, I open it in replicator g and use the move button to center an place the model on the bed. Then I save the stl file. Then I process it normally through skein forge and print in pronterface

E3D V6
MK5 V6