Topic: Freelss and Octopi on the same Raspberry pi?

Any body running freelss and Octopi from the same Raspberry pi? Is that even possible? I'm very unfamiliar with how the pi operates. I just turn it on, follow the instructions Uriah provided and it works. If octopi was on the sd card, would both load up and be operable at the same time or would you have to somehow choose which one it booted up using? Sorry for my ignorance if this is obvious.

2 (edited by Cyber Akuma 2015-06-14 18:44:32)

Re: Freelss and Octopi on the same Raspberry pi?

From what I understand, both Octoprint and FreeLSS are applications that run on ARM-based Linux distros.

So in theory it should be possible to run both, yes, but I am not experienced enough with Linux to say for sure. OctoPi is just an SD card image that has Octoprint already pre-loaded and configured for a RaspberryPi, but it's not necessary to use that image to run it on a  Pi. (Same goes for the pre-formatted SD card that comes with your backer Kit (if you are a backer), it's not the only way to setup FreeLSS).

The only issue really would be performing a scan WHILE also controlling a printer, especially if you are controlling it through USB, and even monitoring it through a webcam. That's both a lot of USB cables coming out of the Raspberry Pi on your Atlas as well as taxing if you do too many things at once, especially if you don't have a Pi2.

Someone far more knowledgeable about Linux can probably give you more detailed advice, but as for it being possible, yes, it most certainly is. Just how feasible it is with all the extra cabling (not to mention having to use your Atlas as your main control center/computer for all your printers) and how much of an impact it will have on it's memory or processing is something I have no idea of.

Also, not sure how much power the Pi gets with Atlas's setup. The Previous Raspberry Pi was fine with a 1Amp power adapter, and while the Pi2 will be fine with a 1Amp as well, it's recommended to use 2.5Amps if you are going to use a lot of USB devices. Plus the Pi on the Atlas is NOT powered through the MicroUSB port like most RaspberryPi setups are.


Re: Freelss and Octopi on the same Raspberry pi?

I just got my Atlas 3D and have been running Octoprint for a while now. I was able to install both on a single SD card and run them at the same time. However, I have not been able to start Octoprint automatically on boot up as I had done before.

A little more detail: I started with the downloaded img of Atlas 3D. Then I followed the instructions by rote for installing Octoprint onto the RPi. This included instructions for an autostart script. However, it does not seem that the script is being executed. Pretty good first attempt but I would really like to solve this problem. I may need to enlist the aid of my son who is a Unix wizard.



Re: Freelss and Octopi on the same Raspberry pi?

I've got Octoprint and FreeLSS starting automatically and running simultaneously on my RPi 2. No keyboard or monitor necessary. I did it by installing Raspian via Noobs and then installing the 2 programs simply by following the instructions on their github sites. Works great!


Re: Freelss and Octopi on the same Raspberry pi?

As we "speak", I'm running both a scan and a print and all seems to be going perfectly!
