1 (edited by juesvic 2015-08-31 02:50:22)

Topic: Z axis does not retract enough

Hi guys,

I have been noticing my Z axis is not retracting enough while printing and scratches the previous layer when moving to a different location on the bed. How can I increase the amount of retraction?


Re: Z axis does not retract enough

In slic3r, under printer settings, select your extruder and there is a setting for Lift Z, which will raise you Z axis an amount on every retraction/move. I was having a dragging issue on some of my PLA prints because I don't have a print fan yet, I set the Lift Z for 0.2mm and it worked great and only added a minimal amount to the print time.

FuseBox 1.5 CoreXY - e3dv6 - Graphic Smart Display
Solidoodle 2 - e3dv6 - Hobb Goblin - e3d Titan - lawsy carriages - Direct Drive Y Axis - T8 Z axis - OctoPi