Topic: What effect do different Nozzle Sizes have on print Quality ?

I just ordered a set of different sized Nozzles for our CTC printer.
There's  a .3mm set that I plan to try first, instead of the .4mm it has now.
I realize the print speed will probably need to be Slower for the smaller size,
but will it improve print quality ?

So , I was wondering if anyone here has tried sizes larger or smaller than .4mm ,
with 1.7mm filament nozzles ?
And if the results were Good or Bad, for average sized objects?

CTC Printer
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Re: What effect do different Nozzle Sizes have on print Quality ?

Pick a size and I have tried it.  Smaller will yield better quality at the expense of speed and reliability as they tend to clog easily.  My go to nozzle is a .6 as it gives me the speed I want and good quality.
Once you get past .8 things can get messy quickly if your profiles aren't spot on.

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