Topic: Hot X-Axis motor


I noticed that the smaller x-axis motor get's surprisingly hot only after 5-10 minutes.
(so hot that you can't hold your fingers at it for more then a second)

- Since it's a smaller stepper-motor this might be the reason for that?
- Another reason could be that I tightened the white block against the rod (before it was shaking), however it moves quite freely when not turned on (so prob. not)

I'm asking since the other larger steppers don't get nearly as hot, and I wonder what would happen during longer prints.

2 (edited by elmoret 2012-10-30 16:24:07)

Re: Hot X-Axis motor

SD is overdriving the x-axis stepper, as you realized in your post in my thread.

Steppers are constant power devices, so they draw the same whether they are doing work or not. In fact, things get worse if the printer is not moving, because it has to rely on natural convection for cooling.

That motor can handle a 80C rise over a 50C ambient, so as long as it is not over 130C you are okay. It is of course, impossible to measure the internal temperature. Beyond 130C the internal insulation could break down and cause shorts.

If you are worried, you could mount a fan on it.


Re: Hot X-Axis motor

Perhaps I lightweight heat sink could give some piece of mind. I have one I pulled off something else. Perhaps I'll give it a whirl and test temps before and after.


Re: Hot X-Axis motor

I tested my motor temps after I had printed a few things one after the other, X motoris warmest but its still only 45C max, the y was 37 and z 33.

i am only at standard speeds .. but not seeing the sorts of temperatures ou are getting, motor is hot to touch but no chance of burning. too hot to touch is only around 65C really, motor will cope with that fine.


Re: Hot X-Axis motor

Well, now i'm unsure of what hot is in my case.
But I was unable to hold it (touch it) for more than 1-2 sec.

This not a scientifically description I know, but it sounds like my situation is different.

How about someone else, could it just be me?


Re: Hot X-Axis motor

an hour into a print, ran the IR thermometer over the motor again, 48C on the centre section, I could get temps up to 77C on the top of the motor, touching motor top .. ouch ..

so its hot to touch but its well within specs.

a few days ago I touched one of the stepper drivers .. not recomended, now THAT is hot, I had a sore finger for a few days.


Re: Hot X-Axis motor

Stoney wrote:

an hour into a print, ran the IR thermometer over the motor again, 48C on the centre section, I could get temps up to 77C on the top of the motor, touching motor top .. ouch ..

so its hot to touch but its well within specs.

a few days ago I touched one of the stepper drivers .. not recomended, now THAT is hot, I had a sore finger for a few days.

Yes, the X driver gets very hot. This doesn't seem to cause problems on the machine as of now.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.