Re: Solidoodle Transparence

Actually the whole process of creating a bootable SD card may well be a bridge too far for some users. It's just fiddly and although someone who has been around computers/gadgets and tech for a time will find it easy enough, it's not going to be so straightforward to everyone.

So a ready to go , nothing more to do kit is always going to have a market. Even if it's just for the time challenged!


Re: Solidoodle Transparence

OK so from other posts, I get that the sd card reader, isn't easily enabled because see below. My question is why don't we use one of the free pins like pin 14 or 13 with a jumpper?? IN MY CASE I DON HAVE PINS ON MY E-ENDSTOP so adding a jumper wouldn't  be any more difficult :

I had some trouble using the PrintrBoard’s built in SD card reader using Marlin firmware. I also had an issue with the Y-endstop, which I thought was unrelated, as the board would not boot if the Y-endstop was pressed (ie. if the bed was homed). The only help I found was from Lincomatic’s blog again but this time in a comment from “RustyPaint”, found here.

The issue is that the pin used by the Y-endstop is connected to the SS pin of the processor. So if the Y-endstop is closed it interrupts the SPI bus which the processor uses to talk to the SD card. The conflict also causes the board not to boot if the Y-endstop if pressed.

So the work around is that you disconnect the Y-endstop from the PrintrBoard and plug it in to the free Emergency endstop pins. You must then also configure the firmware to look at the E-stop pins instead of the Y-stop.

In pins.h, within the Marlin firmware, change line 918 from:

#define Y_MIN_PIN 20


#define Y_MIN_PIN 37

This solved the booting problem and now I can print from an SD card.

(Update: Just make sure your file name is a maximum of 8 characters long and the extension is a maximum of 3 characters. For example “Myprint1.g”)

Thanks to Nicolas Vicuña for pushing me to find a fix and help testing it."

SD4 with E3D V6.

Those who don't know ask, those who don't care comment,  those who comment without answers  hide ignorance for fear of asking. Be fearless!


Re: Solidoodle Transparence

lueman wrote:

OK so from other posts, I get that the sd card reader, isn't easily enabled because see below. My question is why don't we use one of the free pins like pin 14 or 13 with a jumpper?? IN MY CASE I DON HAVE PINS ON MY E-ENDSTOP so adding a jumper wouldn't  be any more difficult :

I had some trouble using the PrintrBoard’s built in SD card reader using Marlin firmware. I also had an issue with the Y-endstop, which I thought was unrelated, as the board would not boot if the Y-endstop was pressed (ie. if the bed was homed). The only help I found was from Lincomatic’s blog again but this time in a comment from “RustyPaint”, found here.

The issue is that the pin used by the Y-endstop is connected to the SS pin of the processor. So if the Y-endstop is closed it interrupts the SPI bus which the processor uses to talk to the SD card. The conflict also causes the board not to boot if the Y-endstop if pressed.

So the work around is that you disconnect the Y-endstop from the PrintrBoard and plug it in to the free Emergency endstop pins. You must then also configure the firmware to look at the E-stop pins instead of the Y-stop.

In pins.h, within the Marlin firmware, change line 918 from:

#define Y_MIN_PIN 20


#define Y_MIN_PIN 37

This solved the booting problem and now I can print from an SD card.

(Update: Just make sure your file name is a maximum of 8 characters long and the extension is a maximum of 3 characters. For example “Myprint1.g”)

Thanks to Nicolas Vicuña for pushing me to find a fix and help testing it."

Ok dude that is really cool, now does it just start printing right when you insert the card? or how do you start and stop it? Also for other guys out there check out Xrobots he did a video on using the beaglebone black and that requires nothing from the mother board and just uses a usb cable to print wirelessly havent tried it but would like to in the future if anybody does let me know how it worked out.