1 (edited by CoolArts 2016-12-28 00:46:00)

Topic: NTAG2X SpreadSheet Tool (Learn & Test)

NTAG2X SpreadSheet Tool

Dear community, on my way to deal and understand better the NTAG2X series i developed a tool under google spreadsheets that can be useful to some of you, at least that's my wish. I'm going to write a small brief onto it in this topic, also if the tool is large used i will keep implementing things on the tool and keep tracking the versions here.

Your best friend to understand NTAG2X is it's own DataSheet PDF

Starting with the SpreadShseet permissions, i think that is not a good idea to keep the file with edit persmissions because we all will be writing the same file at the same time, even probably the same cell. So to keep things clean the file will be under view permissions, just make a copy in your GDrive to be able to edit cells.

Click here to open NTAG2X SpreadSheet Tool

The file consists in 4 Sheets

  • NTAG213 (Info and Test)

    • Here you can play with hexadecimal, decimal or bit values to show what's stored in the NTAG, where is it stored, and it's exactly purpose. Also you will get an ASCII parsing of all the bytes from all the pages. You will also have many info of many byte or bits purpose, the lockbit system...

  • COMMANDS (Info)

    • Just the table with commands found on NTAGX Data Sheet PDF (Page 32 - Table 22). It shows the command names and it's hexadecimal codes.


    • Same as Commands, but the table found in (Page 54 - Table 46) with abbreviations, they're good to be known

  • ASCII (Info)

    • A dual table where you will find the ASCII characters and commands from hexadecimal or decimal coordinates and command names.

You'll probably be asked to give permissions to spreadsheet in your drive, that's because the tool uses javascript from GoogleScript and it needs to edit the SpreadSheet, you can check all code (isn't too much) inside Tools -> Edit Sequence Editor menu.

Page Values are error proof, that means that you can only insert valid hexadecimal values in byte colored cells, decimal values from 0 to 255 on byte grey cells or 1 or 0 in byte square cells. Otherwise you will get an error and the previous value of the cell will be restored. After changing any Hexadecimal, Decimal or Bit value inside any Byte the other values format will be autofilled and the ASCII char will be filled too if it exists.

There's also an additional menu on the page called NTAG Works where you will find 2 options, the first one toggles the Hexadecimal view hiding Bit rows, decimal values and the detailed info, giving a normal read of the NTAG as shown in last image. The second one restores the normal view as shown in next image.

Enhancements on the sight
I have some things in mind to enhance the tool, if you have others please share them with us to help in making the more complete tool we can do. If anyone is specially interested in some of the next features, please tell it too.
ALSO, if you think the tool is a crap and you are going to be constructive, please tell why do you think that wink.

  • Load NTAG data from CSV or JSON String

  • Save NTAG data to CSV or JSON, with custom formatting

  • Bitlock system with detailed information

  • Serial simulation Command bit curves from data in the sheet

  • BitWise Writings in the bits tearproofed

  • Bit and Decimal view (as currently hexadecimal view)

  • BitShifting of values

  • Communication with MySql

  • Rewrite it into HTM and JavaScript to have a more flexible, dynamic and faster tool without the needings of a Google Drive Account

Normal view of NTAG2X SpreadSheet Tool


Hexadecimal view of NTAG2X SpreadSheet Tool


I wish you find it usefull.

Apologies about my spelling,
best regards, CoolArts.

XYZ Junior/Mini Passwords Thread
If you are in a hurry and need your password NOW, or if it takes me too long for you, you can read the posts from 1851. I'm not going to be as effective as Bozo or Cgrillo, but you can give a try with me. If PASSWORDS thread follow it's current flow: asking for repeated passwords, not returning or false PACKS... I will end up with it as others before me.