1 (edited by merc4now 2016-12-23 12:16:51)

Topic: my search has failed. 1.0a 3dfg 2.1.0 fw to repetier?

For those who dont want a back story, here is my question

Can I install repetier on my davinci 1.0a 3dfaxxx (just guessing as Im at work but I do remeber it being a serial older videos said would not work) with fw version 2.1.0?

I have honeslty searched but most post are a year old and vey little confirmation on successfully flashing to repiter which from what Ive read will open up a wealth of control and options.

Ok so prints are horrible. I didn't expect much with this used new to me davinci 1.0a printer that I got for $150. My kids are enjoying it and we are both learning. I ran out of the abs that it came with and ordered pla by accident but (picked cheapest cartridge by xyz since I was still searching for resetter mod, which I may have also messed up on as I blindly ordered a usb 3 pin resetter from ebay not looking at warning about fw versions ). Now disclaimer I and electronically competent its kinda my job. How ever Ive bricked phones and old xboxes before with flashing no fun. But id like to make the most of this cheap little enclosed printer (first for me) and try my hand at server software to control over a network and try out a live webcam. Appreciate any help in confirming I cansafley do a full fw flash to try tbis repetier software. Thanks guys!


Re: my search has failed. 1.0a 3dfg 2.1.0 fw to repetier?

I believe you can, I've installed Repetier on my DaVinci 1.0 you just have to edit some code in Arduino when doing the install (it's all explained in the installation) I've only read that there's no known way to revert back to stock firmware on 1.0A and higher but I've also seen that some people have reverted... I however don't see why you'd want to, Repetier just works.

Link below is the one I've used and I think most everyone else.
