121 Vertical orientation hopper

by kavishsrivastav9

122 Mounting options

by kavishsrivastav9

123 hello

by vrabact

126 Filastruder V1 part list

by faod32

127 XYZ Color and Super board

by myknittinguk

128 Motor Problem

by jonas12

129 Xyz Ink Chip rewrite

by myknittinguk

137 hello from China

by Annabel.hou

138 Da Vinci Nano Belt Tension

by Bobular08

139 DaVinci 1.1 Plus Touchscreen

by arhodiewithsoul

140 Enclosure kit files

by utt.josh

143 Filament Hack

by parentemv

144 Hook Up for Someone

by safemode.env

145 PLA and humidity

by Cedvano