1,502 Heatsink for X axis

by Spencedaddy

1,503 3mm filament

by Diddleydavid

1,504 Printing Thread features

by kittka

1,505 Actual extrusion width

by nathankau

1,508 G Code explained?

by wire10ga

1,509 First tries at printing

by titanium

1,513 Part not sticking to bed

by mm2tts ( Pages 1 2 )

1,515 anyone know of a food safe filament?

by JustSomeGuyTN

1,516 Sli3er, Kisslicer, Skeinforge etc etc etc

by acidarchitecture

1,517 Perimeter vs Infill strength

by nathankau

1,518 What is this print error?

by beavertank

1,519 Slic3r not slicing correctly

by creationblur

1,520 More jamming with cover on?

by ErroneousBosch

1,521 Hysteresis behavior...

by g00bd0g

1,522 .1 mm filament slip

by Aldo

1,524 Print Problem(Z-Axis?)

by XaroRSA

1,527 .1 mm layer seperation

by Jason

1,528 belt tension and cylindrical parts

by devilman2075